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Who do I call when I need roof truss or roof rafter/joist repairs?The usual procedure for homeowners or building owners who finds themselves in need of some one to repair broken roof trusses and roof rafters/joists or sagging roofs is to contact a building contractor or roofing company, who in turn, will likely hire a structural engineer familiar with truss engineering. Most of the roof systems on residential buildings constructed in Colorado after 1970 were built with pre-manufactured (also called “pre-fabricated” or “pre-engineered”) roof trusses, which are typically constructed with 2x4 or 2x6 members arranged in a triangular pattern and connected at the intersecting joints with mechanically pressed metal plates. Most roof systems on residential buildings constructed in Colorado prior to 1970 are “conventionally framed” using an assembly of 2x solid sawn rafters and joists. A savvy contractor who has experience with trusses and/or conventional roof framing will be able to offer solutions for the repair of damaged trusses or a sagging roof, but ultimately a licensed engineer will have to be retained to provide a definitive solution in order to obtain a building permit and ensure a safe repair design as well as piece of mind for the homeowner. Documentation may also be required if the owner plans to sell the home or building in the near future. It is not unusual or unreasonable for the contractor to bring in an engineer at a premium cost to you. An alternate, and more cost-effective solution, is to call CENSPACE directly. We have engineers who can come out to your home or building and inspect damage to the structural framing inside the roof then make sound recommendations prior to getting involved with a contractor. Once the engineer has diagnosed your roof problem, we can provide you a clear estimate for generating stamped repair drawings that can be used to obtain a building permit. At that point you can send the stamped drawings to perspective contractors to bid the construction of the repair work as required. By following this process, you will spend less time with fewer headaches getting your roof repaired safely and more cost effectively.
Can I use steel repair plates to reinforce my roof trusses?The short answer is yes but there are several caveats. There are a number of mending plates that you can buy at your local home improvement store. Most of those plates are used for repairing fence posts, reinforcing doors, workbenches or bed frames and similar non-structural applications. Many of these products should not be used outdoors or with pressure treated lumber because they are not corrosion resistant. Some of these products may be adequate for certain structural applications if the steel and connectors are designed and approved by a licensed engineer. Most pre-manufactured mending plates and the connectors are not capable of handing the high forces induced in roof truss members so they must be used judiciously. Hammering on mending plates or to repress existing plates that have punched teeth is NEVER an acceptable structural repair for a truss. Plywood or OSB gussets with nails (or specific types of screws) are commonly used in lieu of steel mending plates to repair or reinforce truss joints where connector plates are missing, loose or otherwise damaged. It is usually necessary for a licensed engineer, who is familiar with truss design, to size and specify this type of connection. Many times truss repairs are easy enough for the owners to take on by themselves. CENSPACE has engineers who are experts in the repair of trusses, so please call us first for a consultation or inspection before attempting structural truss repairs on your own.
Can I get my flat roof replaced?Need your flat roof replaced? How about leaving the existing roof in place and construct a new roof overly using pre manufactured roof trusses. Flat roofs deteriorate more quickly in harsh climates like Colorado so repair or replacement of flat roofs is more common in these parts. Growing concern for the failure of flat roofs is due to excessive deflections from water ponding on the roof. Initial deflections in the flat roof system allows water to become trapped, which in turn, causes more roof deflection. A vicious cycle is generated which can lead to roof failure if the roof structure is too flexible. Instead of removing or reinforcing the flat roof system it may be feasible and much less costly to simply add a pitched roof system over the existing flat roof. The new roof can act independently from the old roof or the new roof can be designed to help support the old roof so the ceiling of the building can remain intact. Pitched roof systems as low as 2 /12 (two inches of vertical rise for each 12 inches of vertical run) are relatively stiff and help shed snow and ice from the roof promoting integrity and longevity of the roof. CENSPACE has engineers who are experts in flat roof replacement. Give us a call for a consultation or inspection of your building before deciding to replace the old flat roof.
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